Special Notice: Our web site uses secure server technology and the license with Thawte guarantees encryption of your credit card information.
If you get an "invalid" certificate warning, read on:
Server certificates are presented to the browser the first time a secure connection is established. At that point the browser needs to decide whether or not it trusts this secure web server. The browser has a list of trusted Certifying Authorities, and it checks the signature on the server certificate against that list. If your browser does not know about the Certifying Authorities that signed your server certificate, it will warn the user, and possibly refuse to connect.
On the Secure Order Form you will see the address begins with https:// which indicates that you are using a secure server to encrypt your credit card information. It is possible that your browser does not support encryption: it may be an older version or if you are behind a "firewall", you may not be able to use the secure server order form.
Formavision 87 - 89 rue Rosiers Mont Valérien 92500 Rueil Malmaison, France TEL: +33 (0)6 75 03 55 47 http://www.formavision.com | Email dvd@formavision.com |
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