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" The Mind of a leader video Series "Inspiration, Training & Action!
The Mind of a Leader Animation Series gives you an illustrated and easily accessible introduction to each chapter of the controversial Renaissance masterpiece 'The Prince' by Niccolò Machiavelli and the stategic cornerstone work 'The Art of War' by Sun Tzu. The series incorporates modern symbols to enhance the understanding of the original text and state its relevance from a modern perspective. The series are available on DVD and VOD. |
No. of DVD's: 1
Total duration: 1 hour 30 minutes |
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DVD content:
No. of DVD's: 1
1 hour 30 minutes
No. of DVD's: 1
42 minutes
Each of
The Mind of a Leader titles comes with a Facilitator's Guide & Participant's Workbook
Available in DVD video, Video on Demand and Streaming Video
Niccolò Machiavelli was born in Florence, Italy May 3. 1469. In 1498 he was appointed secretary and second chancellor to the Florentine Republic. In 1512, the Medici family regained power in Florence and Machiavelli was accused of conspiracy, arrested and tortured. With the intension of bringing him back into favour with the Medici family, Machiavelli then wrote 'The Prince', a guide to creating and holding on to a principality. Due to his controversial statements favouring a lasting regime over noble ideals, Machiavelli came to be widely regarded as the Devil's servant. 'The Prince' has become the bible of real politics. A frightening and useful source of inspiration.
Chapter 1: How many kinds of principalities there are, and in what manner they are acquired.
Chapter 2: Of hereditary principalities.
Chapter 3: Of mixed principalities.
Chapter 4: Why the kingdom of darius, which was conquered by alexander, did not revolt against the successors of alexander after his death.
Chapter 5: How cities or principalities are to be governed that previous to being conquered had lived under their own laws.
Chapter 6: Of new principalities that have been acquired by the valor of the prince and by his own troops.
Chapter 7: Of new principalities that have been acquired by the aid of others and by good fortune.
Chapter 8: Of such as have achieved sovereignty by means of crimes.
Chapter 9: Of civil principalities.
Chapter 10: In what manner the power of all principalities should be measured.
Chapter 11: Of ecclesiastical principalities.
Chapter 12: Of the different kinds of troops, and of mercenaries.
Chapter 13: Of auxiliaries, and of mixed and national troops.
Chapter 14: Of the duties of a prince in relation to military matters.
Chapter 15: Of the means by which men, and especially princes, win applause, or incur censure.
Chapter 16: Of liberality and parsimoniousness.
Chapter 17: Of cruelty and clemency, and whether it is better to be loved than feared.
Chapter 18: In what manner princes should keep their faith.
Chapter 19: A prince must avoid being contemned and hated.
Chapter 20: Whether the erection of fortresses, and many other things which princes often do, are useful, or injurious.
Chapter 21: How princes should conduct themselves to acquire a reputation.
Chapter 22: Of the ministers of princes.
Chapter 23: How to avoid flatterers.
Chapter 24: The reason why the princes of italy have lost their states.
Chapter 25: Of the influence of fortune in human affairs, and how it may be counteracted.
Chapter 26: Exhortation to deliver italy from foreign barbarians.
This page - The Mind of a Leader
based on Niccolò Machiavelli's 'The Prince'
Language: English - French in progress
The Mind of a Leader II
based on Sun Tzu's 'The Art of War'
Language: English - French in progress
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The Mind of a Leader:2 Purchase 2 Dvds 1610 Euro HT
The Mind of a Leader: Animation series Purchase 1 Dvd 1245 Euro HT
Financial times Review 31 May 2012
Formavision 87 - 89 rue Rosiers Mont Valérien 92500 Rueil Malmaison, France TEL: +33 (0)6 75 03 55 47 http://www.formavision.com | Email dvd@formavision.com |